The map above shows censorship estimates throughout the world from 2008.  http://blogsjc.files.wordpress.com/2008/10/map-rwb.gif


"In human nature, censorship is the strongest drive..."  As humans we feel the need to censor materials for control, and to ensure that our views are firmly planted into society.  Historically, censorship has influenced practically every culture in existance.  

There are three main levels of censorship:
   1. A parent not wanting their child to read a particular book.
   2. A parent, teacher, admin, or school board member not
      allowing a class or school to read a particular book.
   3. An organized campaign or groups attempt to make a political
      statement through censorship.
These three types of censorship affect the regional and local areas more so than national and international areas.  Also, libraries and classrooms are the primary target of all modern American censors.
Fighting censorship has become a full-time task in America.  One of the leading organizations in fighting censorship is the National Coalition Against Censorship or NCAC as it may be known.  Some recommended methods for fighting censorship include:
   - sending a letter to the local newspaper
   - writing letters to public officials
   - attending school board, PTA,and library board meetings
   - start petitions or other campaigns
   - spread the word
   - work with community groups
   - get affected teachers, parents, and students involved

Nobel Prize winning South African author J.M. Coetzee said that he "... looks forward to the day when writers will censor themselves and the censor himself can retire."